Welcome to WorkStreams!

WorkStreams Apps extend Microsoft Outlook to powerfully manage your business

Most business users rely on Outlook throughout their day to communicate, schedule, and track what needs to get done. WorkStreams Apps add to what you can accomplish without leaving the efficient and familiar Outlook interface.

What can you do with WorkStreams Apps?

Here are some examples of functionality from a few WorkStreams Apps:


Monitor user email flow and responsiveness

  • Run reports to view how many customer request emails a user has not responded to
  • Run reports on customer email request response times
  • Be notified when a customer request email has not been responded to within a specified amount of time
  • Be notified when a user has too many open customer request emails

Keep an up to date marketing list of all the contacts from the mailboxes of all of the users in your organization

  • Users can easily opt contacts out of the marketing list individually or in bulk
  • Option to include all email addresses from all emails to/from all users

Review, and move or delete, a selection of the oldest and largest emails in your mailbox in a few quick clicks

  • Emails from all Outlook folders are navigable through pie charts by age and size

Manage business contracts directly from an Outlook contact

  • Initiate a new contract for a contact
  • Automatic facilitation of getting the agreement signed through an email workflow
  • Notification when the contract is signed or when it has not yet been signed
  • Access the contracts that you’ve sent to and had signed by the contact

WorkStreams Apps enhance your use of email, contacts, calendars, and tasks by integrating related business information and workflow

WorkStreams App Functionality Digram

The WorkStreams Vision is to simplify the operation of your business

Your goal is to run and grow your business efficiently. You already use Microsoft Office (Outlook, Word, Excel, etc.), so buck the trend of adding yet another separate web application to the mix. More often than not additional interfaces and systems complicate your ability to get things done.

WorkStreams Empowers Performance by taking advantage of the familiar capabilities you already use in Microsoft Office as part of more complete solutions that simplify the operation of your business and workflow.

The overall WorkStreams Platform integrates the Microsoft Office applications, servers, and services with your other systems and ever expanding amounts of data. WorkStreams Apps are available for the web, tablets, and smartphones too. Learn more about the WorkStreams Platform.

If you don’t find a WorkStreams App that provides exactly what you need, please take advantage of having our expert staff work with you to build out your own productivity vision as a WorkStreams App or enterprise solution. Learn about WorkStreams Services.

Learn about the history of WorkStreams.

Learn about the future of WorkStreams.