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WorkStreams DatumInsight

Mailbox Size and Item Management for Microsoft® Outlook

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DatumInsight provides innovative visualization and organizational capabilities for rapidly managing Outlook items and overall mailbox size.

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Built Into Outlook


DatumInsight is an extension to Microsoft Outlook that adds functionality for managing your mailbox right inside Outlook.


Explore with Charts


Visually navigate your mailbox data across all folders by size, age, count, and other filters by clicking slices of interactive pie charts to drill down and take action.


Perform Bulk Operations


Perform actions on items across folders in bulk including copy, move, and delete. Actions run in the background so you can keep working in Outlook.

Are you tired of it taking forever to clean out your mailbox?


What if you could visually navigate your email and folders, by age, size, and number of items, enabling you to efficiently move, archive, and delete them?


Are your users challenged with maintaining their size quotas, complaining about the lack of an easy-to-use means of doing so?


DatumInsight is a revolutionary new way to visualize, explore, and manage your Outlook items, giving you power over your mailbox size and greater control over a large number of items and folders.

Many users’ needs are not met by the limited features built into Microsoft® Outlook for managing your mailbox. DatumInsight enhances Outlook with features to meet these needs that are simple, quick, and easy to use.

DatumInsight is an extension within Outlook that analyzes your mailbox content and enables you to select and perform actions on related sets of items by clicking on an interactive set of pie charts. The pie charts, which provide a visual representation of your mailbox content, are simultaneously updated in real time as you click on pie slices to filter your Outlook items by folder, size, and age.

This filtering works across folders, including or excluding subfolder content, and can be further refined by additional criteria like email address.

The resulting selection of items can then be moved, copied, archived, or deleted while you continue to work in Outlook uninterrupted.


Top Benefits

  • Provides incredible time savings for mailbox clean up through a new visual approach.
  • Provides organizations a way to empower users to much more easily meet mailbox size targets and limits, without hassles for IT.
  • Enables cross-folder statistics and actions for items by age, size, and count, which is not possible with Outlook alone.


Client Requirements

  • Microsoft Outlook 2010 / 2013 / 2016 /365 (works with .PST and.OST)
  • NOTE: NO server software is required including Microsoft Exchange Server

For Users

  • Provides control over the size of the mailbox, that exceeds what Outlook has to offer
  • Makes it easier to manage a large number of messages and folders in Outlook
  • Provides a revolutionary, new, simple, and easy-to-use interface for exploring mailbox content
  • Enables filtering of related emails and the ability to perform actions on them all at once, regardless of where they are in your mailbox
  • Provides insight to Outlook items through a powerful toolset that creates all kinds of new possibilities for managing mailbox content
  • Puts the power back into the hands of the user to make decisions about how emails are handled

For IT Administrators

  • Client installation options that do not require administrative rights and can be deployed with an unattended installation
  • Addresses the challenge of users managing their mailbox sizes
  • An intuitive user interface that does not require significant training or support
Built into Outlook DatumInsight is an extension to Outlook and is accessed and controlled within the main window of Outlook.
Explore with Visual Charts Mailbox items become visually navigable through clicks on the slices of a set of pie charts which display mailbox content by folder, count, size, and age, all at once. This enables rapid identification of data quantities and location, across folders, anywhere in your mailbox.
Save Filters as a View Any combination of Filter settings can be saved as a View for later use. By choosing to load an existing View, the items that match the saved Filters are immediately accessible for display and/or performing an action against.
Item View Based on the charts and Filters, a list of the matching messages is displayed in the Item View. Each listed email can be opened in the normal Outlook message window. Results in the Item View can be grouped, sorted, and selected individually or by group.
Perform Actions on Large Groups of Message Items From the Item View, bulk actions can be taken to move (to an archive or other location), copy, or delete the selected items. The actions are performed in the background, so Outlook can still be used while the action is being processed.
Simple and Robust Installation Options One option is ClickOnce, which is an Internet link (URL) that a user can click to download and install the Add-in. The other option, for IT departments, is the provision of an MSI file that can be pushed and configured silently. Administrator rights are not required for either installation option.
Work with Related Items Across Folders Users often organize their items into folders, and Outlook makes it difficult to work with items across various folders. DatumInsight makes it easy to find and work with related items regardless of their location.
Visually Navigate the Contents of Complex Folder Structures The folder structure can be displayed and navigated by the size and count of contained items, ranking the largest folders more prominently. This can be done from the root where all subfolder contents are included, or across the entire mailbox based on only the direct contents of individual folders. This functionality often exposes surprising results, such as forgotten large items buried in the folder structure.
Optimal Performance with Outlook DatumInsight is designed to handle most processing in the background, so your use of Outlook is uninterrupted. DatumInsight only needs to scan your mailbox once, and then utilizes a unique event-driven engine to maintain the index going forward. This prevents your Microsoft Outlook experience from bogging down due to continuous scanning.
Scales for Mailboxes of Any Size Designed to work with mailboxes of any size including massive mailboxes with hundreds of thousands of messages, a large folder structure, and totaling many gigabytes in size.