WorkStreams DatumInsight FAQ

What is DatumInsight?

DatumInsight provides innovative visualization and organizational capabilities for rapidly managing Outlook items and overall mailbox size.

What is WorkStreams?

WorkStreams is the platform on which DatumInsight was built. WorkStreams provides the ability for a user and or organization to easily install, run, monitor, and support complex applications within the Microsoft Office applications like Outlook. DatumInsight is a WorkStreams App.

Where can I use DatumInsight?

DatumInsight is an add-in for the versions of Outlook that can be installed on the Windows operating system.

How do I get DatumInsight?

DatumInsight can be installed by clicking this link: Install DatumInsight.

Does DatumInsight require administrator rights?

No. Anyone running Windows, even with limited user access, can install and run DatumInsight.

What versions of Outlook are supported?

Outlook versions 2010 and up are supported.

What operating systems can DatumInsight be installed on?

Any versions of Windows currently supported by Microsoft are supported for running DatumInsight.

Does DatumInsight affect the performance of Outlook?

  • When DatumInsight is first loaded it performs an initial indexing process to track the data already in your mailbox. This initial indexing process does cause some impact on Outlook performance until it completes, but Outlook is still completely functional the whole time.
  • Once the intial indexing is complete, DatumInsight is event driven and stays up to date without any impact to Outlook performance.

What are the pie charts?

  • The pie charts provide a visual representation of the content in your mailbox. They are also the interface with which you interact to drill down into (filter) your content.
  • By clicking on a slice of one of the pie charts the data represented by that slice will be selected and the overall view will be updated to display that selected data.
  • For more detail please refer to the manual.

What does DatumInsight index?

  • DatumInsight captures details about your email such as the senders, recipients, subject, dates and times, the message size, and the count, names, and sizes of the attachments.
  • DatumInsight stores the information it captures about your email locally on your machine in an encrypted database. The only case where details about an email would be transferred from your machine would be as part of an error in support of helping you resolve a problem. In all cases DatumInsight never captures or transfers the content or body of your email.

Could DatumInsight corrupt my email?

No. DatumInsight exists separately from your emails and Outlook. DatumInsight does not change your emails at all, it just stores information about them in support of the capabilities it offers you.

Does DatumInsight make it so anyone else has access to my email?

No. DatumInsight doesn’t make it so anyone has access to your email.

Does DatumInsight index, capture, or access the content body of my email?

No. DatumInsight never accesses the body of your emails.

Does WorkStreams collect any data?

  • WorkStreams collects data about your installation and event data generated by use of DatumInsight in support of ensuring it works properly for you. The data collected is as described in detail in the WorkStreams Privacy Policy.
  • WorkStreams stores the information it captures about your email locally on your machine in an encrypted database. The only case where details about an email would be transferred from your machine would be as part of an error in support of helping you resolve a problem. In all cases WorkStreams never captures or transfers the content or body of your email.