Hosting Partners

Greatly Boost Your Competitive Advantage

The Hosting Partners Program is for businesses that provide one or more of the following:.

  • Hosted Microsoft® Exchange Server
  • Hosted solutions for other Microsoft® products
  • Hosted email solutions

Hosting providers are faced with the challenge of increased competition, including from Microsoft’s own cloud based offerings. In addition, downward price pressures are eroding margins.

  • Create competitive advantage with unique and powerful offerings to potential customers
  • Improve margins with value based pricing by providing greater business functionality
  • Increase customer loyalty by getting customers into sticky applications

The WorkStreams staff will work with your business to help determine the best products to package with your offerings based on your target market. After this, your business will be assisted with positioning these offerings to maximize your sales potential. WorkStreams will support your customers and your business going forward.

To get started now, follow the instructions in the right sidebar.