Service Partners

Find New Revenue Opportunities with Your Customers

The Service Partners Program is for businesses that deliver software products and provide services to support those products for end customers. This includes businesses that are:

  • Value Added Resellers
  • Managed Services Providers
  • General IT Consultants and Services Providers
  • Microsoft® Certified Partners

Service providers are generally challenged to increase revenues, expand their market, and keep offerings current and valuable. They have to now adapt to newer online services and still add value to obtain recurring revenue. All of this while still needing to differentiate with the competition.

  • Increase sales opportunities with exciting new products
  • Support entry to new markets with targeted business functionality
  • Achieve recurring revenues and customer loyalty with a service relationship where you can maintain the customer
  • Position against competition with unique offerings and marketing

The WorkStreams staff will review your target market and offerings with you to match up with products in the WorkStreams catalog. The work will continue with to develop a marketing and communication strategy while providing sales and marketing collateral. Your personnel will be trained by WorkStreams and supported through your first engagements.

To get started now, follow the instructions in the right sidebar.